2011年11月13日 星期日

小さいけれど確かな幸せ - Lin family's garden

Preparing Chin Kuai 

broiling Chin Kuai ..

Oo Kuai 1000 pcs sold per day, my estimate.




Lunch finished, at Lin's garden

小確幸, 皇家俄羅斯 Ice cream ...

Dinner at 小四川 95 NTD ...
3-Photos down load from Lucia's Face book ...

We asked the coffee stand vender took a picture for us. She  said that to enjoy a cup of ice cream here with your loved one in this charming garden could be deemed as  " 小確幸", a term that I learned the first time. So I googled it after I got home, and found it was 村上春樹 , who first use this term in his novel published in 1995.

