2012年6月8日 星期五

How I enjoyed a day in AK

Today started with a cup of Brown coffee (bought at 全家), at Da An park, for a walk.

We went to the AK community center directly, and got the permission to use the “ 韻律教室" . We danced for one hour, Tango, Music: 忘憂谷( use my iphone recording )

Then we went to the house, cleared the back yard , and front yard , too ...

The green plants are vivid ...

even smiling ....
Rain shower in the late afternoon ...

found some art work by Chien - Chien

Sun set at bout 6:30 p.m.

Visited 黃昏市場 ( 車子路再過去一點)

Price are the same as that of Taipei - for fruits

Dinner  :  90 NTD for 2 (45 each.)
炒米粉, 桂竹筍湯, 肉羹 各30 元


other food stands ...

Back to Taipei, exhausted ...